Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Philippines Mission Trip

Hey Y'all!
The time is finally here! I leave tomorrow to go to Rainsville, AL for orientation there! All of the Nehemiah Teams for the summer will be headed there, and all are going to different countries! It's a time of training and team building. Orientation seems like it will be a very intense time of training before we go overseas, but I'm so excited for it! Once we arrive tomorrow, our phones will be taken up for the whole summer, and I won't be bringing my iPad or laptop to the Philippines. So I will not be on social media or contacting anyone during that time. I will talk to everyone in August! :)
I will leave from there on June 3rd to go to the airport in Atlanta to depart to the Philippines! I'm soooo beyond excited!
In case you forgot, I will be working at an orphanage and helping in discipling youth! Caring for the children, playing with them, going for walks, feeding and bathing them, etc. What also makes me super happy, is that the children and staff are able to talk to us in English! It will be easier to build personal relationships with them! :)
I'm so excited to see what God has in store for me and my team members this summer in the Philippines. 
Thank you all so much for y'all's support and helping me go to the Philippines. I couldn't have done it without y'all and I can't wait to share with y'all in August what God did this summer! :)

Show Love. Be Love.
Tonya, :)

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world. (James 1:27 HCSB)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Little Orphan Nanny" Summer Missions 2014 - Philippines

Hey ya'll!
                It’s that time of year again!  I am preparing to go on another amazing journey of missions!  As you may know, I visited an orphanage only for 1 day while in Ukraine, and I fell in love with it!  During the time I was there, I was able to hold and play with 3-year-olds who were so precious.  In my life, I have felt unwanted in the past, so I know (in a way) how they feel.  If you don’t know my testimony, I would be more than happy to share it with you sometime!

                As you know, I’m attending Copiah Lincoln Community College, majoring in Christian Studies, and I am a member of the Baptist Student Union (BSU).  Through the BSU, I have the awesome opportunity to be a part of the “Little Orphan Nanny” summer missions in the Philippines!  I knew I wanted to serve somewhere with orphans, and so through the International Mission Board (IMB), I have that opportunity.

                I will be traveling to the Philippines from May 29-August 1!  I will be able to share my faith and disciple those around me!  I will be a part of the Nehemiah Team and will care for “the least of these.”  I am excited to help play with and hold little children, but also to disciple youth because helping and teaching youth is where my heart is.  
While in the Philippines, I will be:
·         Mopping floors
·         Changing diapers
·         Feeding and holding babies
·         Playing with children
·         Disciple youth

                If you would like to join me on this journey, your prayers and/or financial support would be greatly appreciated.  All monies are due by April 1st.  I am also selling shirts to help raise money.  The shirts will be long sleeve for $20 and short sleeve for $15 in two different colors you can choose from.   Shirt includes the verse James 1:27.  The shirt money is due by February 28th.
I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me this coming summer, and to just give my summer to Him and to serving orphans.

Please pray that God will give me a servant’s heart and to remember what I’m there for.  Also to pray that I will share the love of Christ with these kids and teenagers and to let them know that they are wanted. Thank you so much.


Show Love. Be Love.
Tonya, :)

"Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this, to look after orphans. . ." -James 1:27